
Anne is a partner specializing in appellate law. She has extensive experience in both federal and state courts and has been involved in matters before the California Supreme Court, the California Court of Appeal, the United States Supreme Court, the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals, federal district courts, the US Department of Labor Benefits Review Board and administrative law judges. She has argued before the California Court of Appeal.
Anne has drafted appellate briefs, petitions for review and rehearing, writs, appellate evaluations, appellate mediation briefs and dispositive trial motions such as motions for summary judgment, post-trial motions, and motions in limine. She also has extensive experience in trial consulting on appellate issues and appeals, including daily review of trial transcripts, provision of summaries, review of jury instructions and verdict forms and drafting of dispositive trial motions such as motions for nonsuit and directed verdict. Anne has litigated matters in a wide variety of legal areas including commercial litigation, personal injury, products liability, privacy, employment, insurance, contract disputes and admiralty/maritime law.
Employment History
2016 - Grignon Law Firm LLP
2011-2015 - Reed Smith
Writing Coach Summer Associate Committee
Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Liaison to WINRS
2004 - Russell, Mirkovich & Morrow
2003 - Los Angeles Superior Court Honors Law Clerk
Honors & Awards
Listed Best Lawyers, U.S. News Best Law Firms (2017-2023)
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Annual Donor Honor Roll (2020-2021)
Reed Smith's Pro Bono Honor Roll (2014)
"Don't Gamble With The Right To Appeal," Los Angeles Daily Journal, 3 June 2016, Co-Author: Ilana Herscovitz
"General Jurisdiction in California State Courts Following Daimler AG v. Bauman (2014) 134 S. Ct. 746," Association of Business Trial Lawyers Newsletter, Summer 2015
"A New Wrinkle in Appeal Analysis," Los Angeles Daily Journal, 5 December 2014 Co-Author(s): James C. Martin, Paula M. Mitchell
"Law of the Case - A Case in Point," Los Angeles Daily Journal, 12 September 2014 Co-Author(s): James C. Martin, Paula M. Mitchell
"Why You Need a Court Reporter To Set the Record Straight," Reed Smith Client Alerts, 3 September 2014 Co-Author(s): Ilana Herscovitz
"Oliner v. Kontrabecki: The 9th Circuit Reminds Parties of the Potential Risks of Filing Sensitive Documents Under Seal in Court," Reed Smith Client Alerts, 12 June 2014 Co-Author(s): James C. Martin, Paula M. Mitchell
"Sealing the Deal: Considerations for Sealing Court Records," Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily Journal, April 2014 Co-Author(s): James C. Martin, Paula M. Mitchell
"Are you sure that final judgment is final?," Los Angeles Daily Journal, 30 March 2012 Co-Author(s): Zareh Jaltorossian
"To Appeal Or Not To Appeal An Arbitration Order—That Is The Question," San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Journal, 16 February 2012 Co-Author(s): Paul D. Fogel
"Out of Time - When Does An Amended Judgment Restart The Appellate Clock?," San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Journal, 5 December 2011 Co-Author(s): Paul D. Fogel
"A Trial is a Trial is a Trial – Or Is It? Statements of Decision in Judicial Proceedings Involving Arbitration," San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Journal, 28 October 2011 Co-Author(s): Paul D. Fogel
Speaking Engagements
“May it Please the Court: A Conversation with the Experts About Amicus Briefs and Appellate Courts, Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, 10 May 2021 (Moderator)
California Public Nuisance Law's Impact On Environmental Issues, Co-Panelist, LACBA Environmental Section, 13 April 2018
"Post-Trial Practice," CLE Presentation, 4 September 2014
"Why You Should Learn To Stop Worrying And Love The California Supreme Court," ACCess MCLE, California, 19-20 February 2014
"Why You Should Learn To Stop Worrying And Love The California Supreme Court," 2014 MCLE Day, Los Angeles, California, 14 January 2014
"Persuasive Writing for Litigators," Continuing Legal Education Presentation, 6 November 2014, 16 December 2013, 26 February 2013
"Litigation Strategies With an Appellate Perspective," Continuing Legal Education Presentation, February 2012
Professional Affiliations
Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, member of Board of Governors (2012-2021), Co-Chair of the Amicus Briefs Committee (2012-2015, 2017-2021), Co-Chair of the Appointive Office Committee (2015-2017), Member (2012-present)
The Nonprofit Partnership, Member of the Board of Directors (2018-present), Treasurer/Secretary (2019-2020, Treasurer 2022)
The Appellate Project (“TAP”), Mentor (2020-end of 2023)
Los Angeles County Bar Association Appellate Section, Member (2012-present)
Los Angeles County Bar Association, Member (2004-present)
California Women Lawyers, Member (2018-present), Member of Amicus Briefs Committee (2020-2021)
Black Women Lawyers, Member (2020-present)
Latina Lawyers Bar Association, Member (2020-present)
Asian Pacific American Women Lawyers Alliance (2020-2021)
Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Member (2014-2021)
Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, Mentor (2012-2015)
Street Law (2013)
Long Beach Bar Association Admiralty Section Member (2008-2011)
Women Lawyers of Long Beach, Member (2005-present), Vice President (2006-2007)
Joseph A. Ball Inn of Court, Member (2005-2011)